• Medical Matters features questions asked by Members of the ME Association on health-related topics.
  • Dr Charles Shepherd and the ME Association's other advisers answer these questions by sharing their expert knowledge.
  • Medical Matters is based on the popular ‘Ask the Doctor’ series in ME Essential magazine.
  • It is a free resource that supplements the detailed information contained in the full range of literature that can be found in the website shop.

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Questions in the Category: Hospital

Appointments: Hospital

ME Essential Spring 2024

I asked my GP to refer me to the ME/CFS Clinic at our local hospital two months ago. She was asked to fill in a form that provided a lot of information about my symptoms and how they affect me. I also had to have a lot of blood tests – the results of which all came back as normal.

Since then I haven’t heard anything further about arranging an appointment. Neither has my GP.

What can I do?

Research: Post-Mortem

ME Essential Summer 2023

What is happening to post-mortem tissue research into ME/CFS at the moment? Is the ME Association still funding and carrying out any postmortem research? And have any significant abnormalities been found in the post-mortems that have been carried out so far?

ME/CFS Specialist Services

ME Essential Winter 2022

The new NICE guideline was published a year ago. But here in Northamptonshire we still don’t have a specialist ME/CFS service where GPs can refer people for help with either diagnosis or management. And there doesn’t appear to be any formal arrangement with a referral centre anywhere else that GPs can refer people to. I think this is unacceptable. So I am going to raise this with my MP – hopefully by arranging a meeting. Do you have a brief summary of the key points that I need to make?

NHS: In-patient services

ME Essential Summer 2022

We are elderly parents (both in our late sixties) who have been looking after a daughter with moderate to severe ME/CFS for the past 20 years. Like many people severely affected she is not receiving any care from a hospital-based ME/CFS services and she only receives very occasional visits from the GP – who admits that she has no idea about how to manage people with severe ME/CFS. We have, however, been fortunate in obtaining some good social care support.

We are becoming increasingly concerned about the overall state of our daughter’s health and having discussed this with the GP who agrees that she requires a thorough medical re-assessment. The problem is that the local ME/CFS service does not carry out domiciliary (home-based) visits and they don't have any in-patient beds for assessment or management of people with severe ME/CFS.

The GP is willing to make a referral outside our local area but does not know of anywhere suitable. We would also be willing to pay for a private hospital if we were sure that this would be suitable. Are you able to help?

Charles Shepherd

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