• Medical Matters features questions asked by Members of the ME Association on health-related topics.
  • Dr Charles Shepherd and the ME Association's other advisers answer these questions by sharing their expert knowledge.
  • Medical Matters is based on the popular ‘Ask the Doctor’ series in ME Essential magazine.
  • It is a free resource that supplements the detailed information contained in the full range of literature that can be found in the website shop.

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Questions in the Category: Pain

CBD oil for pain relief

ME Essential Autumn 2024

I keep reading about people with ME/CFS who are using cannabis oil (CBD oil) for pain relief – with varying degrees of benefit. My GP said that he isn’t allowed to prescribe cannabis oil for pain relief and he wasn’t convinced by the claims that are being made. So is there any evidence that CBD oil can help with pain relief? And given the link to cannabis is it safe to try if you have ME/CFS?

Bone pain and ME/CFS

ME Essential Autumn 2024

I have just been reading the new MEA information leaflet on pain management. This covers muscle, joint and nerve (neuropathic) pain ME/CFS. But why isn’t there any mention of bone pain? I have hip pain that was eventually diagnosed as being due to osteomalacia and vitamin D deficiency – which I understand is more common in ME. This is now being treated because my doctors felt I was at increased risk of having a fracture in the hip bone.

Pregabalin (Lyrica)

ME Essential Summer 2024

I have been reading some disturbing newspaper reports about the misuse of pregabalin and it looks as though there may be further restriction on doctors about prescribing this drug. I know that some people with ME/CFS have had major problems with side effects. But there are others like myself who have found pregabalin to be very helpful for pain relief where other drugs have failed. Do you think that my GP will be able to continue prescribing it?

Alternative treatments: Flotation tank

ME Essential Winter 2023

A friend of mine who has a painful rheumatic disease has been using a local floatation tank to help relieve her pain. I have quite a lot of ME related joint and muscle pain and the drugs that have been prescribed are of very limited benefit.

Is this something that’s worth trying for pain in ME? Are there any potential side-effects?

Hypermobility & Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

ME Essential Spring 2023

My daughter, who is now in her early twenties, has had ME/CFS since being a teenager. We have always felt that her joints are more flexible than normal. She often has strains and sprains and has dislocated her knee in the past. Her doctor is now querying whether she may now have a hypermobile joint condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Are there any links between hypermobile joints and ME/CFS? Or is this just a coincidence?

Test: Synacthen

ME Essential Spring 2023

A blood test has shown that I have a low level of the hormone cortisol. As a result I am now being referred to hospital to have a synacthen test to assess my adrenal gland function. As this test involves the use of a drug that stimulates steroid production is it likely to cause any problems for someone with ME/CFS? Or could the use of a steroid be a way of treating ME/CFS?

Treatment: Bromelain

ME Essential Winter 2022

I have read several newspaper articles about the use of this natural plant-based treatment for pain relief, especially in arthritis and muscle soreness. But is there any evidence that it can help to reduce muscle pain in ME? Because none of the drug treatments that I have been prescribed by my GP have helped.

Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Encephalopathy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Long Covid

ME Essential Winter 2022

Please can you define what PVFS, ME/CFS, and Long Covid mean. I am having difficulty determining if they are the same disease or different. Thank you!

Symptoms: Joint Pain and Irritable Bowel

ME Essential Winter 2021

I know that in addition to all the classic diagnostic symptoms of ME there are a considerable number of other symptoms that can sometimes occur. But should we always go and see our GP every time a new symptom appears? Or when an existing symptom changes character or gets significantly worse? In my case, after several years of having ME, I’ve now developed intermittent joint pains (without any swelling or redness) and bowel symptoms (mainly loose motions with occasional stomach cramps and bloating) that sound like irritable bowel syndrome. I haven’t yet mentioned these symptoms to my new GP – who tends to blame everything on ME! I don’t want to be seen as a hypochondriac, turning up at the doctors every time I don’t feel well. At the same time, I don’t want to find that a new and treatable medical condition is being missed

Dental: Pain

ME Essential Summer 2021

I’m very prone to pain in my teeth. When I mentioned this to my OT she said that she hadn’t heard of that before as an ME/CFS symptom but could be connected to the central nervous system. My dentist tends to say that if there was a problem it would be obvious in a particular tooth or it could be tooth grinding especially at night. I don’t feel it is this as I tend to sleep with my mouth open and I don’t wake up with pain usually but it will come on during the day. Symptoms are varied ranging from a general tension and pressure, generalised aching pain in either the top or bottom teeth, or throbbing pain in certain teeth. The deep throbbing does tend to be in “ vulnerable “ teeth i.e. ones with deep fillings.

Sometimes I will get a very bad pain e.g. back molar on right lower side then the exact same tooth throbs on the other side. Of course I realise I need to discuss this again with my dentist at the next check up. However, I wondered if people with ME/CFS are more susceptible to tooth pain generally? Have even wondered if it’s stress? It’s been particularly bad these last few months and I can’t say I’ve been any more stressed than usual!

Charles Shepherd

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