• Medical Matters features questions asked by Members of the ME Association on health-related topics.
  • Dr Charles Shepherd and the ME Association's other advisers answer these questions by sharing their expert knowledge.
  • Medical Matters is based on the popular ‘Ask the Doctor’ series in ME Essential magazine.
  • It is a free resource that supplements the detailed information contained in the full range of literature that can be found in the website shop.

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Questions in the Category: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Appointments: Hospital

ME Essential Spring 2024

I asked my GP to refer me to the ME/CFS Clinic at our local hospital two months ago. She was asked to fill in a form that provided a lot of information about my symptoms and how they affect me. I also had to have a lot of blood tests – the results of which all came back as normal.

Since then I haven’t heard anything further about arranging an appointment. Neither has my GP.

What can I do?

Classification : ME/CFS

ME Essential Autumn 2023

I know that ME and CFS are both classified by the World Health Organisation as a neurological disease. But I’ve also seen statements on the internet to say that ME is now being classified as an autoimmune disease. Is this correct?

Vaccinations: Flu (Influenza) 2023-24

ME Essential Autumn 2023

Can you help me reach an informed decision about the 2023-24 Flu vaccination?

Vaccinations: Autumn Covid Booster 2023

ME Essential Autumn 2023

Can you help me reach an informed decision about the 2023 Autumn Covid Booster vaccination?

Symptoms: Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM)

ME Essential Summer 2023

What is Post-Exertional Malaise and how can it best be managed? 

Gilbert's Syndrome

ME Essential Summer 2023

A few months ago I noticed that the whites of my eyes had turned slightly yellow. It turned out that I had a mild episode of jaundice. My GP was a bit mystified – so I was sent to see a liver specialist who diagnosed a condition called Gilbert’s Syndrome. The specialist said it was nothing to worry about. However, as he had seen other people with ME/CFS with the same condition, he wondered whether there may be a link. Is this so?

Research: DecodeME

ME Essential Summer 2023

I have developed ME after catching Covid-19 last year and have a few quick questions about the DecodeME study. Can I still sign up to participate? When will we know the results? Will I have access to information about my own DNA? Will the study also be including people with Long Covid?


Research: Post-Mortem

ME Essential Summer 2023

What is happening to post-mortem tissue research into ME/CFS at the moment? Is the ME Association still funding and carrying out any postmortem research? And have any significant abnormalities been found in the post-mortems that have been carried out so far?

Treatment: Modafinil

ME Essential Summer 2023

I have had PoTS and ME/CFS for over 10 years and now have Long Covid as well – if that’s even possible as perhaps they are the same thing anyway? My question is about a drug called Modafinil as I have been offered a trial of this treatment from my PoTS consultant to help with my fatigue. I have looked online and can’t find a lot regarding its use in patients with ME/CFS. Please could you point me in the right direction for any research on this or anyone with ME/CFS that has any experience of taking it. One of my main concerns is that it will create a false energy high, so that I will want to do more, then I will end up with worse PEM and crashing. Another potential problem is that I already have mental-health issues as some of the side-effects are mental-health related.

Hypermobility & Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

ME Essential Spring 2023

My daughter, who is now in her early twenties, has had ME/CFS since being a teenager. We have always felt that her joints are more flexible than normal. She often has strains and sprains and has dislocated her knee in the past. Her doctor is now querying whether she may now have a hypermobile joint condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Are there any links between hypermobile joints and ME/CFS? Or is this just a coincidence?

Charles Shepherd

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