ME Connect helpline new freephone number is live!
0808 801 0484
Please save this new number.
We are providing a new and improved service from February 1st 2025.
ME Connect Helpline
We understand ME/CFS/LC/PVFS. If you need help or want to talk, we’re here.
When you call you will speak directly with someone who will support you, with care and in confidence. We provide information, signposting and support. We do not judge, offer opinions or tell you what to do. We’re here for you.
Freephone number:
0808 801 0484
Monday – Friday: 10am-6pm
Thursday: late night until 9pm
Saturday – Sunday: 10am-12noon
Notice: We understand that living with illness can cause feelings of frustration and desperation, even anger. We are here to support you however you are feeling but our staff and volunteers should not be subjected to aggression or abuse. We reserve the right to end the call if this takes place.
Contact ME Connect by phone, email or social media private message

We are here to listen, validate and empathise with any issues you might be facing

We are here to help you reach an informed decision

We provide a safe, confidential, and
understanding environment where you can be heard and understood.
Time to Talk – with Rev. Neil Barrett (Chaplaincy)

Reverend Neil Barrett is kindly offering one to one support sessions as an addition to ME Connect.
ME Connect is delighted to offer additional support through ‘Time to Talk’ with the Rev. Neil Barrett who is generously volunteering his time. This offer is open to all. If you would like a 30 minute Zoom call with Neil, please email us via the button below or to and we will get back to you to arrange an appointment.
Please note your email address will not be shared with anyone else.
‘ME/CFS & Long COVID can be isolating conditions with a wide range of emotions attached to them. Often the people around sufferers find it difficult to understand and those suffering can find it difficult to express how they are feeling. Both can often lead to more frustration and anxiety. And many people feel abandoned by society physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Rev. Neil Barrett
Therefore, I am offering the opportunity of a conversation online, where you can just be. Where you can share how you are feeling with no judgement or pressure to feel anything other than what you feel in that moment or to be anyone other than who you are. A space just for you, where you are valued and understood.’
“Thank you so much for giving up your time to work on this Helpline. It is just so nice to speak to someone who really understands what I am going through.”
“It is really good that you offer this service, it is such a relief to speak to someone who understands.”
“I have worried about this problem for weeks but within 5 minutes you have given me the answer, thank you very much indeed.”
“Thank you, you have been an absolute angel.”
“Thank you so much, you have helped me get through the day.”
“I didn’t know where to turn, thank you for pointing me in the right direction.”
“I really needed someone to talk to, I feel so much better now. Thank you.”
The ME Association and ME Connect Service
When you are ill with a chronic condition like PVFS, ME/CFS or Long Covid, there are many things you want to know. What treatments work, where can I find a doctor who understands me, where can I get reliable information to complete my benefits claim?
It can be even more important to make contact with another person, someone who understands how these medical conditions affect everyday life and the many challenges they bring. Someone who will listen without judgment.
The purpose of ME Connect is simple. It is here to support people affected by PVFS, ME/CFS, and Long Covid to help them make informed choices. It is here to listen, to validate, and empathise with any issues they might be facing.
Every year, ME Connect does this for thousands of people. Of all the services the charity provides, it is ME Connect of which I am most proud. It is what I feel a charity should be all about; giving help to those who need it at a difficult time in their lives.
Staff and volunteers provide this service every day. Why? Because they want to help. They want to give something back to people who are in a worse situation than they are. They want to make a contribution, and it can be a very rewarding experience.
We are Members of the Helplines Partnership

The Partnership is committed to supporting organisations that provide non-face-to-face advice, support and information to improve general wellbeing and has being doing so for over 20 years.
They champion the interests of their members and help them to build sustainability and deliver the best service they can for their users.
ME Connect Telephone Helpline – Volunteers Needed
If you have empathy, compassion and understanding for those living with ME; excellent communication skills and some time to spare, we would love to hear from you. Volunteers need a landline phone, good IT skills and full training will be provided. You will be part of a wonderful team who are passionate and committed to providing an exceptional service. Please do contact Katharine Leat, ME Connect Manager via to discuss this opportunity and ask any questions you may have.
Please note that interviewing of new volunteers is currently on hold as we have a waiting list – we still welcome your interest and will respond to you in due course.
From ME Connect’s Manager
“I understand …”
…two of the most powerful words anyone living with ME can hear and so rarely do. Our staff and volunteers provide desperately needed understanding, empathy and information to those who contact ME Connect.
Living with ME is challenging in so many ways, ME Connect aims to make those challenges more manageable and alleviate the feelings of isolation and confusion that so often occur.
As a staff member or volunteer with us you will be provided with training and support which will enable you to develop your own skills whilst delivering a unique service which helps so many people.
Thank you for your interest; I look forward to hearing from you.”
Katharine Leat
Comments from ME Connect Staff and Volunteers
“The training you receive gives you the confidence to answer the calls.”
“I was given training which taught me to listen, really listen, to the people who call.“
“Realising that you can, in some small way, make a difference to someone’s life is very humbling and rewarding.”
“It goes without saying that helpline work is incredibly rewarding.”

Please note
All communications are treated in the strictest of confidence. Please check your contract for charging details.
We are a small medical charity and we do not have the capacity to answer long or complex questions relating to medical management, DWP benefit disputes and legal problems. ME Connect provides information and support and, where appropriate, signposting to further sources of help or information.