• Medical Matters features questions asked by Members of the ME Association on health-related topics.
  • Dr Charles Shepherd and the ME Association's other advisers answer these questions by sharing their expert knowledge.
  • Medical Matters is based on the popular ‘Ask the Doctor’ series in ME Essential magazine.
  • It is a free resource that supplements the detailed information contained in the full range of literature that can be found in the website shop.

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Questions in the Category: Social Care

Vaccinations: Autumn Covid Booster 2023

ME Essential Autumn 2023

Can you help me reach an informed decision about the 2023 Autumn Covid Booster vaccination?

Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Encephalopathy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Long Covid

ME Essential Winter 2022

Please can you define what PVFS, ME/CFS, and Long Covid mean. I am having difficulty determining if they are the same disease or different. Thank you!

The 2021 NICE Guideline ME/CFS: Regrets

ME Essential Autumn 2021

I know you feel that the new NICE guideline is a major improvement on the first one. So do I. But do you have any concerns, disappointments or disagreements on the content?

Residential Care Home: Complaints

ME Essential Autumn 2020

I am becoming increasing concerned about the care that a relative with ME/CFS is receiving in a private residential care home. The staff have no understanding about how to care for people with ME and try to push her to do more and more. There have been occasions where I feel that her care has been neglectful or even harmful. I have raised my concerns in meetings with the staff and management on several occasions – who fail to accept that there is a problem. What can I do?

Disability Classification

ME Essential Autumn 2020

How does the government define a disability? Does the government classify ME/CFS as a disability? I ask because I assume that this could have important implications for people who are having problems with benefits, education or work.

Residential Care Home

ME Essential Spring 2019

Are there any specialist nursing homes or units offering care for people with severe ME? I seem to recall that there was once an initiative to raise funds for an ME care home but this never went through due to lack of funds. I wonder if such a venture could be initiated again?

Caring: Severe ME/CFS

ME Essential Autumn 2017

I’m becoming increasingly concerned about the situation that my sister and her husband find themselves in. They are both in their mid-sixties and both have non-ME/CFS health problems. They are also looking after their son – who is in his mid-thirties and has had ME/CFS for well over 10 years – with no other practical or financial help. Their son’s state of health has steadily declined in the past year. He no longer works, is largely housebound and is dependent on his elderly parents for most of his care. Like so many other people with severe ME/CFS, he has lost most of his friends and has very few visitors. My main concern is that his parents are finding it increasingly difficult to cope. The GP doesn’t know what to do and I sense that only some form of crisis will make things happen. Do you have any suggestions or do they just have to carry on till the point where they can no longer cope?

Charles Shepherd

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