• Medical Matters features questions asked by Members of the ME Association on health-related topics.
  • Dr Charles Shepherd and the ME Association's other advisers answer these questions by sharing their expert knowledge.
  • Medical Matters is based on the popular ‘Ask the Doctor’ series in ME Essential magazine.
  • It is a free resource that supplements the detailed information contained in the full range of literature that can be found in the website shop.

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Questions in the Category: Weight Gain

‘Clean food’

ME Essential Spring 2025

Three years ago I asked my previous GP practise for a consultation with their dietitian. They refused.

I changed to a much better practice seven months ago, but I would prefer not to deal with them on this matter as they are all completely ignorant about ME.

I was vegetarian for 29 years and transitioned to a vegan lifestyle 11 months ago. I’m convinced that it is the best I can do for my body as every animal product causes inflammation. And I’m definitely feeling the benefit of clean food.

Some specific advice with regard to the implications for ME would be much appreciated.

Overweight – so clinic referral is refused

ME Essential Winter 2025

Like many people with ME I have put on quite a lot of weight. I am very aware of all the other health problems that this could cause.

So I was surprised to find that when my GP contacted out local ME/CFS clinic for a referral to help me with management this was refused because they will not see people who have a high BMI/are significantly overweight.

This is not fair and seems to be discriminatory.


ME Essential Winter 2025

What is low thyroid function/hypothyroidism and how do the symptoms overlap with ME/CFS?


ME Essential Summer 2018

Knowing that lack of exercise and weight gain are two things that increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, is this type of diabetes more common in people with ME? I ask because I noticed I was getting thirsty, drinking more water than usual, and was also passing urine more frequently. I went to see my GP for some blood and urine tests and she confirmed that I had developed type 2 (non insulin requiring) diabetes. The good news is that a change in diet and weight loss are definitely bringing things under control and it doesn’t look as though I am going to need treating with drugs.

Mental Health: Depression

ME Essential Spring 2018

Like many other people with ME/CFS, I often feel fed up and frustrated by all the restrictions this illness imposes on my life. But I don’t feel depressed. I now have a new bright GP who thinks I am depressed and he wants me to try a course of antidepressants – to see if they make me feel happier! I know I would feel happier if I just felt well again. But I’m not convinced that I need antidepressants to do so!

Treatment: Drugs and Weight Gain

ME Essential Spring 2018

Although taking a low dose amitriptyline has been very useful in reducing some of my pain and helping to correct my very erratic sleep pattern (frequent wakening during the night) I’ve put on a considerable amount of weight since taking this drug. My GP says that weight gain is a well recognised side-effect with this type of drug and that it can also occur with other drugs that are used for pain relief. I know from talking to other people with ME that weight gain can be a major problem with some drug treatments for ME. But why is this so? And are there any solutions?

Charles Shepherd

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