• Medical Matters features questions asked by Members of the ME Association on health-related topics.
  • Dr Charles Shepherd and the ME Association's other advisers answer these questions by sharing their expert knowledge.
  • Medical Matters is based on the popular ‘Ask the Doctor’ series in ME Essential magazine.
  • It is a free resource that supplements the detailed information contained in the full range of literature that can be found in the website shop.

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Questions in the Category: Hypothalamus

Symptom: Temperature Regulation (2)

ME Essential Spring 2023

I’ve always enjoyed a long soak in a hot bath, especially at the end of the day – and still do. But since developing ME/CFS I’ve found that I feel completely wiped out afterwards – as well as feeling more lightheaded and faint than usual. Is this something that could be related to ME/CFS, because it doesn’t appear to be listed as a symptom?

Symptom: Mild heat stroke

ME Essential Spring 2022

Recently I went to the seaside for the day. It was very hot and I felt it was too much for me, so I went down to the sea to cool off – just paddling in the water (which was surprisingly cold – in fact, downright chilly). It was fine initially but then I started to feel off-balance and then ill, and had to get back to the car quickly (and I had to sit down on the way several times) and then lie down on the back seat of the car. What might have caused such a reaction?

Diagnosis: Buspirone Challenge Test

ME Essential Summer 2021

I didn’t think there was a blood test for ME. However, my doctor wants to arrange for me to have what is called a buspirone challenge test. If this test can be used to confirm a diagnosis of ME, why isn’t it being used more widely?

Symptom: Low Temperature

ME Essential Summer 2020

Do people with ME have a low body temperature? My body temperature always seems to be slightly below normal when I check it with a thermometer and I’ve seen this being discussed on internet discussion forums. I’m also starting to feel the cold more than I used to do.

Charles Shepherd

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