• Medical Matters features questions asked by Members of the ME Association on health-related topics.
  • Dr Charles Shepherd and the ME Association's other advisers answer these questions by sharing their expert knowledge.
  • Medical Matters is based on the popular ‘Ask the Doctor’ series in ME Essential magazine.
  • It is a free resource that supplements the detailed information contained in the full range of literature that can be found in the website shop.

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Questions in the Category: Assessment

Symptoms: Gradual deterioration

ME Essential Winter 2024

I’m in my late forties and have had ME for over 10 years.  For the past few years it has been fairly stable with occasional exacerbations, normally when I get an infection.  But I’ve recently noticed a gradual deterioration in almost all of my ME symptoms.  I don’t have any new or unusual symptoms and there are no obvious reasons for this deterioration in health – infection, stress etc. I’m reluctant to see my GP – who knows very little about ME – but I am starting to feel concerned.

Functional Capacity Assessments and Evaluations

ME Essential Autumn 2023

I have been receiving regular payments over several years from an insurance-based Income Protection Policy. This comes as part of my employment package.

I also receive PIP benefit from the DWP – who accept that I have significant problems with both mobility and care. So I would have thought that this would be adequate on-going evidence of my disability.

The insurance company now want to send me for a functional capacity test to assess whether I am capable of working again. What will this involve?

Is this test a valid way of assessing capability for work if you have ME/CFS? And can I refuse to do so if I am not happy with the way I am going to be assessed?

Research: Post-Mortem

ME Essential Summer 2023

What is happening to post-mortem tissue research into ME/CFS at the moment? Is the ME Association still funding and carrying out any postmortem research? And have any significant abnormalities been found in the post-mortems that have been carried out so far?

Care and Support Plans

ME Essential Winter 2022

I very much welcome the recommendation in the new NICE guideline that everyone with ME/ CFS should have a personalised care and support plan. But is this actually happening in practice anywhere? I have been under the care of both my (very good) GP and a hospital-based ME/ CFS service for several years. But nobody has ever offered to prepare such a plan. And if I did have a care and support plan, who would prepare it and what would it consist of?

Charles Shepherd

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