• Medical Matters features questions asked by Members of the ME Association on health-related topics.
  • Dr Charles Shepherd and the ME Association's other advisers answer these questions by sharing their expert knowledge.
  • Medical Matters is based on the popular ‘Ask the Doctor’ series in ME Essential magazine.
  • It is a free resource that supplements the detailed information contained in the full range of literature that can be found in the website shop.

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Questions in the Category: NHS

Vaccinations: Flu (Influenza) 2023-24

ME Essential Autumn 2023

Can you help me reach an informed decision about the 2023-24 Flu vaccination?

Vaccinations: Autumn Covid Booster 2023

ME Essential Autumn 2023

Can you help me reach an informed decision about the 2023 Autumn Covid Booster vaccination?

Research: Post-Mortem

ME Essential Summer 2023

What is happening to post-mortem tissue research into ME/CFS at the moment? Is the ME Association still funding and carrying out any postmortem research? And have any significant abnormalities been found in the post-mortems that have been carried out so far?

Hypermobility & Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

ME Essential Spring 2023

My daughter, who is now in her early twenties, has had ME/CFS since being a teenager. We have always felt that her joints are more flexible than normal. She often has strains and sprains and has dislocated her knee in the past. Her doctor is now querying whether she may now have a hypermobile joint condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Are there any links between hypermobile joints and ME/CFS? Or is this just a coincidence?

Medical Disclosure

ME Essential Spring 2023

I have quite severe ME/CFS and am currently unable to work. However, my wife has a well-paid job and we are probably going to have to move house to another part of the country later in the year. As this may involve taking out some new insurance cover can I check what the position is regarding the disclosure of my medical information to an insurance company? Whilst I can understand why an insurance company would find it helpful to know about someone’s state of health, I am concerned about the accuracy of the information that my GP may be asked to provide – as he takes a rather sceptical view of ME/CFS and I very rarely see him.

Vaccinations: Covid-19

ME Essential Spring 2023

I appreciate that people with ME/CFS can have an exacerbation of symptoms following any type of vaccination, and that a significant minority have had a more severe and persisting adverse reaction to the Covid vaccines. However, I am still keen to continue having this protection so as long as the Covid-19 virus remains in circulation.

My 2022 Autumn Covid Booster resulted in a moderate exacerbation of ME/CFS symptoms – which lasted for about 4 weeks. So I’m querying whether it might be more sensible to allow people with ME/CFS to split the dose in half and have two smaller doses on two separate occasions. I discussed this with my GP but he wasn’t very supportive and has declined to do so. What do you think?


ME Essential Spring 2023

Many symptoms of Hyperparathyroidism are similar to ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia. Would a GP be able to recognise hyperparathyroidism and what are the treatment options?

ME/CFS Specialist Service: Referral

ME Essential Winter 2022

After having a nasty viral infection (probably glandular fever) at the beginning of the year I have been struggling to get an explanation from my GP as to why I haven’t got back to normal health. He has now decided that I probably have post-glandular fever ME/CFS. However, my GP admits that he doesn’t know very much about how to manage ME/CFS. I have asked for a referral to a specialist ME/CFS service but it turns out that we don’t have one. I then asked if I could be referred outside the local area to a service that has good reports from people I have heard from. However, I’m finding it very difficult to get this moving because my GP says I can’t choose where I want to be sent. Please could you explain what my rights are?

ME/CFS Specialist Services

ME Essential Winter 2022

The new NICE guideline was published a year ago. But here in Northamptonshire we still don’t have a specialist ME/CFS service where GPs can refer people for help with either diagnosis or management. And there doesn’t appear to be any formal arrangement with a referral centre anywhere else that GPs can refer people to. I think this is unacceptable. So I am going to raise this with my MP – hopefully by arranging a meeting. Do you have a brief summary of the key points that I need to make?

Care and Support Plans

ME Essential Winter 2022

I very much welcome the recommendation in the new NICE guideline that everyone with ME/ CFS should have a personalised care and support plan. But is this actually happening in practice anywhere? I have been under the care of both my (very good) GP and a hospital-based ME/ CFS service for several years. But nobody has ever offered to prepare such a plan. And if I did have a care and support plan, who would prepare it and what would it consist of?

Charles Shepherd

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