5.1 Self-management and supported self-management

These recommendations are for healthcare professionals providing care for people with ongoing symptomatic COVID-19 or post-COVID-19 syndrome in primary care and community settings or in multidisciplinary assessment and rehabilitation services.

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There are established treatments for managing the common symptoms often seen with ongoing symptomatic COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 syndrome, as set out in current national and local guidance, which can be followed for symptomatic relief. However, there is a lack of evidence for pharmacological interventions to treat the condition itself.

5.1.1 Give advice and information on self-management to people with ongoing symptomatic COVID‑19 or post‑COVID‑19 syndrome, starting from their holistic assessment. This should include:

  • ways to self-manage their symptoms, such as setting realistic goals
  • who to contact if they are worried about their symptoms or they need support with self‑management
  • sources of advice and support, including support groups, social prescribing, online forums and apps
  • how to get support from other services, including social care, housing and employment, and advice about financial support
  • information about new or continuing symptoms of COVID-19 that the person can share with their family, carers and friends (see the section on common symptoms).

Advice for patients on managing common symptoms is available from the Your COVID Recovery website and NHS inform website.

5.1.2 Explain that it is not known if over-the-counter vitamins and supplements are helpful, harmful or have no effect in the treatment of new or ongoing symptomatic COVID‑19 or post-COVID-19 syndrome.

5.1.3 Support people in discussions with their school, college or employer about returning to education or work, for example by having a phased return.

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