MEA medical adviser to speak at big ME awareness-raising event | Cardiff, Saturday May 25

May 23, 2013

An impressive office block near the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff will be the venue for an important ME/CFS awareness-raising happening – involving among others our medical adviser, Dr Charles Shepherd – this Bank Holiday weekend.

ME Support in Mid Glamorgan (MESiG) have booked themselves on Saturday (May 25) into Portcullis House at 21 Cowbridge Road East, Canton CF11 9SR, for their AGM, a public conference and an art show.

MESiG members will be welcome between 11am and 12noon for their AGM.

The meeting will then open up to the wider public.

Dr Shepherd will give a 40-minute talk at 1pm, there will then be a break and he will take questions at 2pm.

At 3pm, Graeme Butterworth (welfare and benefit adviser, Diverse Cymru) will give a talk on the switch over from Disability Living Allowance to Personal Independence Payments. This bwill be followed by access to an art show put on by the ‘Life with Art' charity, whose associate surveyors are responsible for letting the empty building.

M.E. photos by Juliet Chenery-Robson will on display together with exhibitions mounted on behalf of Riding for the Disabled and the Teenage Cancer Trust. Refreshments will be available and visitors can browse a variety of stalls and take part in a raffle.

A benefits adviser will be on hand on all day.

For further information about ME Support in Mid Glamorgan, please tel 02920 762347 or email

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