Could you ask your MP to support this Early Day Motion?

June 2, 2011

We have been asked to publicise this parliamentary initiative. So far 52 MPs have signed Early Day Motion 1791, entitled ‘Impact of Government Reforms on Disabled People'.

Our correspondent writes:

All of it relevant to anyone claiming State benefits, and absolutely relevant to anyone who claims contributory ESA which is proposed to be stopped after 12 months. I cannot see how this is fair, ie stopping a disability benefit, not because the person has become fit for work, but because of an entirely arbitrary time limit.

I have written to my MP to ask him to sign it. Might it be possible to advertise this on the MEA website to ask other people to urge their MP to do the same?

As is usual with an EDM, all the points the sponsors want to make have to be strung together in a single sentence. This one is composed as follows:

That this House believes that it is the sign of a responsible society that it supports disabled people to lead an independent and fulfilling life; further believes that, while reform is needed, the Government's current plans are causing unnecessary uncertainty and creating risks for disabled people up and down the country; further believes that the Government has failed to appreciate the cumulative impact of the changes it is proposing; further believes that ill-thought through reform of disability benefits could push thousands of disabled people into poverty; considers it irresponsible to time limit to one year the payment of contributory employment and support allowance which will affect people suffering from cancer and fluctuating conditions; calls on the Government to abandon plans to remove the mobility component of disability living allowance from 80,000 people in residential care homes; further calls on the Government to retain automatic entitlement for people who have severe impairments, meaning that blind people, the mentally impaired and double amputees will not have to face the distress of applying for support that they genuinely need; expresses serious concern that 100,000 families with disabled children will see their support halved as a result of the decision to replace the disability element of child tax credit; and further believes that disabled people should have to wait only three months rather than six months before they can apply for the new personal independence payment.

The progress of the EDM can be followed here:

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