Can you help save the Reading area ME Support Group?

May 10, 2011

Volunteers are needed urgently at Berkshire's oldest ME support group. Without new blood on the committee, Reading area ME Support Group will be in danger of disbanding.

The group – which formed 20 years ago and now with over 250 sufferers on its books – is looking for volunteers who have a couple of hours a week to spare with communication and organisational skills, and access to the internet. The group also wants to beef up its main committee with more people who know all about ME.

Membership secretary Sylvia Daniel commented: “I am unable to take on any more than I do. If we don't get help very soon, we will have to disband – which will be a great shame after all the work that has gone in to keeping the group going.”

If you can help, or know of someone who could, please contact Sylvia at

1 thought on “Can you help save the Reading area ME Support Group?”

  1. I’ve just received this message from Sylvia Daniel, which sounds very much like good news:


    Hi Tony,
    We have good news thanks to your help. We already have one volunteer in place and meeting up with one next week-end so a big thank you from us all at Reading ME Group

    Many Thanks

    Best Wishes From Sylvia
    Core Group Member,
    New Members, Membership secretary, & Woodley Contact
    For Reading Area ME Support Group

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