Cyber Monday! You can still raise vital funds for M.E. while shopping online | 25 November 2018

November 25, 2018


Helen Hyland, Fundraising Manager, ME Association.

Please remember M.E. when you're online Christmas Shopping.

You wouldn’t think that you could make a huge difference, but our wonderful fundraisers have raised over £7,000 through easyfundraising alone.

And more people every day are using the new Amazon Smile which makes a donation to the ME Association from the amount in your basket.

Please think of your favourite charity when you are shopping online – for Christmas presents, holidays, and even the Christmas grocery shop.

You can even make the ME Association your ‘favourite’ charity on Ebay and round up your payment at the checkout.

For more information including how to register and other ideas for easy ways to fundraise, please visit the Get Involved section of our website.

Thank you.

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