Our News Blog is now open for comments | 3 October 2013

October 3, 2013

The News Blog is now open for your comments

We are now happy to report that the problem that some visitors had when they could not leave comments has now been solved and the News Blog is open for ‘comments' business once more. You are most welcome to try it out.

You will need to register as a user and your ‘comment' will then be subject to a brief period of moderation to check that all is in order and that we're not letting through anything offensive or that is unwanted ‘spam'.

9 thoughts on “Our News Blog is now open for comments | 3 October 2013”

  1. Please, please, pretty, pretty please, can we have the text in a bigger white box – the background is still a horrible distraction, the mesh over it does not help at all, and there is no margin between the busy background and the left hand side of the writing.
    I cannot navigate comfortably at all – I just give up and I miss loads of important stuff now.

    I cannot be the only PWME who finds this.
    It’s hard to understand why the site is so ME-unfriendly now.

  2. Hear, hear Peggy-Sue, and can we please have the ‘old’ font back; my befuddled M.E.-brain finds it difficult to cope with this strange new one. Let’s have something plain.
    I surmise that the ‘new look’ site has been designed by a techno-enthusiast – all very clever and impressive but, as Peggy-Sue said, just too ‘busy’, complicated and confusing for us foggy-brainers.

  3. Thank-you for your comment, Soloman!
    I’ve been having a go at looking for things – and have discovered another awful feature – there’s a bit where things start flying across the screen at the top – it’s HORRIBLE.

    There are too many colourful pictures *everywhere*, I’m also reaching the point where the mesh covered bluebells are nearly enough to have me in tears. The essential reading material is all squashed (and overly busy with images) to give those awful things most of the space….

    How can you do this to PWME?

  4. I agree with the comments, particularly the moving news item, I find I have to scroll down so that I can’t see it!
    It seems a shame to “waste” so much screen space with the pretty pictures of bluebells. Words and thoughts are what we all want from the website.

  5. Thanks for your comments, folks.
    This is not assure you that they are being read and our chairman has this morning authorised me to say we are looking at the site design and all the comments made and that action will soon be taken to make the new site as user friendly as can be.


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