Parliamentary Question | which organisations are bound by the WHO International Classification of Diseases? | 26 November 2014

November 26, 2014

The Countess of Mar, the cross-bencher in the Lords who chairs the Forward ME Group of ME charities and organisations, tabled a question that asked the Government which organisations within the National Health Service or which represent members who provide services to the National Health Service are bound by the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Diseases?

In a written reply supplied on 26 November 2014, Lord Howe (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department of Health) wrote:

The United Kingdom as a member state of the World Health Organization (WHO) is expected to comply with the WHO Nomenclature Regulations 1967 and is required to use the most current version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) for reporting cause of death and disease for compiling and publishing mortality and morbidity statistics. As such all providers of National Health Service funded care are required to submit ICD-10 codes for national reporting.

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