Jill’s story – ‘I let my husband die’ | BBC R4 ‘Woman’s Hour’ | 26 June 2012

June 28, 2012

In 2005, Jill Anderson went on trial for the manslaughter of her husband Paul who had been suffering for years with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with complications.

In the past Paul had tried a number of times to commit suicide and Jill saved his life. On this occasion she did not intervene even though he told her he had taken enough pills to ensure his own death. Jill was interrogated by police, taken to trial but was eventually acquitted by a unanimous not guilty verdict. She went on to write a book about the experience, Unbroken Trust. She joined Jane Garvey to discuss.

The interview with Jill Anderson starts at 12.52 seconds into the programme. To listen to the BBC replay, please click HERE.

‘Unbroken Trust:The Forbidden Goodbye of a Husband's Suicide.' By Jill Anderson, published by Simon & Schuster UK, May 2012, paperback 304pp. ISBN-10: 1849837880 ISBN-13: 9781849837880

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