‘Give that nice Mr Liddle a round of applause!’ Northern Ireland comment about tonight on Ulster TV (7 March 2012)

March 7, 2012

Ulster TV will be screening their third news report about M.E. in a month – at 10.30pm tonight (March 7).

This item was held back. Horace Reid writes: “Botheration. Two ships collided in Belfast Lough, and sank our story off the schedule. That's the nature of the media creature. Mustn't complain. Fingers crossed for another night.”

It is expected to feature last week's huge Belfast conference where New York physician Dr Derek Enlander was the main speaker. Watch out for an offer of two scholarships to Northern Ireland doctors willing to travel to New York to undertake specialist M.E. training under the tutelage of Dr Enlander.

A senior Northern Ireland politician may also be interviewed on the programme.

Horace Reid, who has been active into the formation of the new ME Alliance for Northern Ireland (MEANI), commented:

“This unprecedented blitz of positive publicity was triggered by one phone call to UTV from Jacqueline McGorrian, mother of a severely-affected 12-year-old boy.

“Jacqueline in turn was fired up by Rod Liddle's remarks on BBC Radio Ulster that ME is “a newly-invented disease that makes you feel a bit peaky.”

“Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together, and give that nice Mr. Liddle a round of applause.”

4 thoughts on “‘Give that nice Mr Liddle a round of applause!’ Northern Ireland comment about tonight on Ulster TV (7 March 2012)”

  1. Do you think they shelved the feature because of the ferry collision at the docks Tony? I couldn’t see it when I briefly flicked through iPlayer.

    1. Firestormm – I’ve been having problems rebooting the computer and only just come online. I need to check out what happened to the Ulster TV coverage.

      Did anybody see the programme?

  2. I’d like to put my hands together for the odious Rod Liddle, but not to give a round of applause.

    As a lawyer once said, “If you’re having problems with your income tax, go and see the Inspector of Taxes. There’s nothing like the personal approach. Greet him cordially, then reach across the desk and shake him warmly by the throat!”

    (Will Liddle’s next diatribe be a complaint about death threats?)

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