Over 350,000 visitors to this website in 2011

January 25, 2012

A total of 357,828 ‘unique visitors' visited this website in 2011 and they read a total of 1,372,388 pages.

This month so far, we have had 31,712 ‘unique visitors' who have read 94,358 pages between them.

The total number of visitors in 2011 was 562,185. But the vast majority of these extra visitors would have been automated search engine probes otherwise known as ‘web crawlers' that simply collect electronic data and then buzz off again.

To our real readers – thank you for spending time with us, and we hope the time you spent here was worthwhile.

4 thoughts on “Over 350,000 visitors to this website in 2011”

  1. ” ..we hope the time you spent here was worthwhile.”

    It always has been! Thank you for such an interesting and informative site which keeps us up to date with the latest news.

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