NICE Guideline > Rest and sleep

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Rest and sleep

1.12.1 Advise people with ME/CFS:

  • about the role of rest in ME/CFS.
  • that rest periods are part of all management strategies for ME/CFS.
  • how to introduce rest periods into their daily routine, including how often and for how long, as appropriate for each person.
  • that relaxation techniques at the beginning of each rest period could be helpful.

1.12.2 Give people with ME/CFS personalised sleep management advice that includes:

  • explaining the role and effect of sleep disturbance in ME/CFS.
  • identifying the common changes in sleep patterns seen in ME/CFS (such as broken or shallow sleep, altered sleep pattern or hypersomnia).
  • developing good sleep habits.
  • taking into account the need for rest in the day and balancing this against how the person is sleeping at night.
  • introducing changes to sleep patterns gradually.

1.12.3 If sleep management strategies do not improve the person's sleep and rest, think about the possibility of an underlying sleep disorder or dysfunction and whether to refer to an appropriate specialist.

1.12.4 Review the use of rest periods and sleep management strategies regularly as part of the person's care and support plan.

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