NICE Guideline > Advice for people with suspected ME/CFS

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Advice for people with suspected ME/CFS

1.3 Advice for people with suspected ME/CFS

1.3.1 When ME/CFS is suspected, give people personalised advice about managing their symptoms. Also advise them:

  • not to use more energy than they perceive they have − they should manage their daily activity and not 'push through' their symptoms
  • to rest and convalesce as needed (this might mean making changes to their daily routine, including work, school and other activities)
  • to maintain a healthy balanced diet, with adequate fluid intake.

1.3.2 Explain to people with suspected ME/CFS that their diagnosis can only be confirmed after 3 months of persistent symptoms. Reassure them that they can return for a review before that if they develop new or worsened symptoms, and ensure that they know who to contact for advice.

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