South Yorkshire/North Derbyshire ME/CFS Specialist Service

Address & Contact
Michael Carlisle Centre
75 Osborne Road
S11 9BF
0114 2263232

The service is available to individuals who have a provisional diagnosis of ME/CFS, are registered with a GP within the region, and who have been unable to self-manage their condition with the advice and management provided from primary care.

The service provides an initial assessment where a range of treatment options will be explored. The aims of the interventions offered are to work collaboratively with individuals in helping them to identify how they are currently coping with their ME/CFS symptoms and then working with them to develop personalised strategies to self-manage their condition.

The therapies offered provide a range of specialist, evidence-based, therapeutic interventions to individuals with a diagnosis of ME/CFS. All interventions within the ME/CFS Service are based on current NICE Guideline. This may include practical or psychological interventions to enable individuals to maximise their potential and make sustainable improvements.

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