Stockport ME/CFS Service

Address & Contact
4th Floor Beckwith House
Wellington Rd North
0161 835 6684

We are a specialist multidisciplinary team who offer guidance and support to people 16 years and over with ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The Stockport ME/CFS Service is available to adults who have a diagnosis of ME/CFS and are registered with a GP in the Stockport and Tameside & Glossop areas. We aim to support people to self-manage their condition and adapt our treatment plan to individual needs.

Our Expertise
Our team consists of nurses, an occupational therapist, physiotherapists and a CBT Therapist who have specialist knowledge of ME/CFS and experience of working with all levels of severity.

How to Use the Service
Referrals to the service are made by GP or hospital consultant. We do not currently accept self-referrals. Once your referral has been triaged by our team you will receive a letter offering an initial telephone assessment. This assessment is important as it allows us to assess the symptoms and the impact they are having on an individual. It helps assess what and where treatment interventions are delivered.

Following your initial telephone assessment, we will offer you an appointment at one of our clinics or a home visit if necessary. At this appointment we will agree a management plan with you and identify the number of sessions you are likely to require.

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