ME/CFS Team North, Mid, East Devon and Exeter

Address & Contact
Osprey House Level 2 Suite 3
Osprey Road
01392 908631

• Adult service only
• Low to severe cases seen
• We cover North, Mid, East Devon and Exeter
• From GPs and Long-covid pathway only
• we are therapy led so are unable to provide diagnostic assessments or advice on medication
• We offer 1:1 appointments for initial assessments and a follow up appointment. These can be – face to face (just for initial assessments) or via Attend Anywhere or telephone.
• Thereafter we offer a 7 week online group programme looking at activity management, sleep strategies, effective rest and relaxation, diet, exercise, impact of thoughts, memory and concentration, self-care planning and managing set-backs. Although we do also offer further 1:1 sessions for those unable to attend the group programme.
• We have an establishments 2.5 Whole Time Equivalent specialist Occupational Therapists

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