Leeds and West Yorkshire ME/CFS Specialist Service

Address & Contact
The Newsam Centre
Seacroft Hospital, York Road
LS14 6WB
0113 85 56330 / 0113 85 56331 / 0113 85 56334
Email: cfsme.lypft@nhs.net

The Leeds and West Yorkshire ME/CFS Service is a specialist NHS service for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

We are currently completing implementation of the NICE Guideline. The service is for adults aged over 17 years. Individual treatment plans and different options for treatment help people make sense of their condition and work towards recovery.

The aims of our service are to:

  • improve your quality of life – people say we are giving them their lives back
  • help you on a journey towards recovery
  • help you to continue in education and work if this is important to you
  • help you understand your condition
  • involve and support your carers, family and friends too

The service provides:

  • 90 minute assessments by a specialist team and we devote time to gain a shared understanding of your condition
  • individual or group programmes to help you recover
  • the opportunity for you to access a range of professionals, including 14 qualified NHS clinicians
  • liaison with your GP during your recovery
  • different options for treatment, including home-based rehabilitation and home visits for people whose lives are severely affected by ME/CFS
  • consultations and advice by video conferencing and telephone if needed
  • consistently good outcomes to improve your quality of life

High patient satisfaction results show we are valued by people who use the service.

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