Facebook: The York ME Community
Twitter: @Clanman3

Mastadon:  @Clanman@mastadonapp.uk

Email: billclayton@live.co.uk

The York ME Community is an ME Support and Awareness group for those in the York area, be they dealing with the illness personally, or are perhaps family or friends of those who are.  We give support and friendship, knowing interaction with like-minded people dealing with the same ailment can be a great help.                                                                                         We understand that a large part of dealing with ME is feeling lonely, guilty in not being who you once were for your family and friends, and a feeling of desperation that the Government and the medical system give limited support, funds for research, or even belief that this is a real illness.  Through our Facebook Group we exchange the latest research news and other topics of interest for information and discussion.

We ‘meet’ through our Facebook Group, and being all from the same area, meet up locally when able for a cuppa and a natter.

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