Contact: Michael Held.
Telephone: 01908 270870
Address: 26 Avon Grove, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK3 7BT
We meet regularly – most meetings are informal get-together's, where we chat and catch up on each other's news, and share information, moral support, etc. Sometimes we have a speaker, on a subject related to ME or on a topic of general interest – topics so far have included everything from Welfare Rights to bird-watching.
We meet at Wolverton Community Centre, Stratford Road, Wolverton, MK12 5RL. The Community Centre is across the road from the “North-Western Hotel” and next to the entrance to “Tesco”, with parking at the west end of the building. The entrance to the Centre is at the “Tesco” end of the building.
Our meetings are from 7.45 to 9.15 pm on the third Tuesday in every month (except December).

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