Debbie White

  • Debbie has worked for the ME Association for just over 3 years and really enjoys the varied, caring work and being part of a lovely team. She loves the opportunity to make a positive difference to people’s lives.
  • She previously worked for many years as a legal secretary, was a partner in a family business, worked with young children in schools and playgroups, and for 10 years in the NHS in a variety of administrative roles.
  • Debbie used to enjoy all types of sports but had to give most things up due to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Having had the condition for at least 25 years, it helps her to empathise with the frustration, difficulties and pain that people with ME/CFS experience.
  • For many years she has practiced qigong and meditation which she finds can help to ‘recharge my batteries’. She facilitates a group for The Compassionate Friends, for bereaved parents, which has led to her befriending some amazing people.
  • Debbie’s a big animal and nature lover and when able, enjoys walking in the countryside. She has 2 daughters and 1 teenage granddaughter. She loves to potter in her garden, roaring log fires, and a good book.
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