BBC Radio 4 want to talk to people about to take the Work Capability Assessment

October 11, 2011

The Disability Alliance is trying to help Radio 4 reach people about to undergo a Work Capability Assessment (WCA).

The DA believes the WCA is failing disabled people and needs urgent reform. Radio 4 are not getting any help from DWP on the issue and need your help to identify people about to experience the WCA.

Please get in touch with BBC Producer Helen Grady if you can help. The following message is directly from Helen:

Are you or one of your friends or family about to undergo a work capability assessment? If so, the BBC would love to talk to you.

Radio 4 is making a documentary about the system being used to determine who is ‘fit to work'.

We're trying to understand how the system works from the inside – in particular the assessments being carried out by Atos.

We'd like to chat to people who have an assessment this month (October) with a view to talking to them before and after their assessment.

There are no cameras and we will not record anything with you unless you are 100 per cent happy to take part in the programme. We can come to you.

If you are interested in helping us, please call or text the producer Helen Grady on 07786 857580 or email

Thanks – and do pass this on to your friends and family.

More information

WCA and disabled people – BBC ‘Eye on Wales’ programme on WCA problems for disabled people (10 October 2011)

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