MEA Monthly Poll: How has M.E. affected your ability to access education?

September 10, 2020

Kate Stanforth, Social Media Manager, ME Association

Education is a vital part of life, but for many people with M.E. it can be a struggle.

Going to school, college, or university does’t just help you academically, it helps with lifelong social and emotional skills.

Kate & Spencer

Friendships are formed, memories are made, and knowledge is gained, which is why having access to education is so important.

My education journey was a rocky one. It involved having to leave my high school because they wouldn’t move a classroom downstairs when I started using a wheelchair.

I later went on to learn one of my A-levels online, from home, then slowly completed the rest of my education at an understanding college.

I have experienced the barriers and frustrations the education system has for people with M.E., which is why I think it’s important for us to try and improve the situation.

The MEA Monthly Poll can be located to the right on this blog in the margin of the website. Please vote and visit MEA social media to join the discussions

This month's website poll is about attendance at school, college, or university. It will help us get a clearer picture of how much education is being missed due to M.E. over the past year by students.

We are focusing on education this month on our social media platforms, and if you have any feedback you would like to share then please join the discussions.

The ME Association

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