Join The 2.6 Challenge on 26 April and Help Save The ME Association! | 20 April 2020

April 20, 2020

Russell Fleming, Content Manager, ME Association.

The ME Association, like so many other charities across the UK, has been hit hard by the cancellation or postponement of dozens of fundraising events forced on us by the coronavirus crisis.

In response, the creators of some of the biggest mass participation events in the world have come together to raise vital charity funds with The 2.6 Challenge.

It will begin on this Sunday (April 26) – the day the 26-mile London Marathon should have been held. And the ME Association will be part of it!

We are asking you to dream up an activity – the sillier the better and based around the numbers 2.6 or 26 or 260 – and fundraise for us that day or any time during the following week. 

The 2.6 Challenge will be a fun event aimed at saving Britain's charities. Please take part in whatever way you can, or simply make a donation to help your charity through this time of crisis.

The 2.6 Challenge will be open to anyone of any age – the only requirement is that your activity must follow the Government guidelines on social distancing, and you must stay local. 

We will be sharing some ideas suitable for people with M.E. in advance of this event, but you can also find others by visiting The 2.6 Challenge website and keeping an eye on social media: #TwoPointSixChallenge

Hugh Brasher, events director of London Marathon Events, commented:

“One of the founding pillars of the London Marathon was ‘to show how the family of mankind can be united’.

“We hope The 2.6 Challenge, which starts on the day our 40th race should have taken place, will embody that spirit and inspire people, families, and communities to fundraise for their chosen charity to help save the UK’s charities. 

“Right now, our vulnerable members of society need the help of charities more than ever before.” 

Tony Britton, Fundraising Manager for The ME Association, commented:

“A month ago, it was disheartening to see our fundraising events tumbling like tenpins. But then I kept getting heartening messages from supporters to say they hadn’t forgotten us. They’d simply put off their events until better times.

“In the meantime, we still need money coming in to back our research funding programmes and campaigns, which remain as vital today as ever.

“With a possible wave of new post-viral fatigue syndrome and M.E. diagnoses coming down everybody’s way in the very near future, we’ll be needed more than ever.”

The ME Association asks its supporters to do events at their own pace, in their own houses or gardens or as part of their allowed daily outside exercise.  

For some people with M.E, 26 steps would be a crowning achievement after years dreaming about walking again. Juggling for 2.6 minutes would, for some, be an exceptional test of hand-eye coordination. Getting 26 people together on Zoom would be magnificent. The possibilities are endless.

“Above all, don’t forget to film or photograph your event and keep safe. We want to see you having fun and forgetting your cares and woes for a while,” added Tony.

Please take part and create a fundraising event, or simply make a donation to help keep your charity going through this time of strife.

Visit The ME Association JustGiving Page and Get Involved. 

JustGiving are waiving all fees for this event as are all the other fundraising platforms.

Organisations backing this short, sharp campaign to support Britain’s charities also include Virgin Money Giving, Parkrun, The Great Run Company, Run4Wales, Sport England, the Institute of Fundraising, Office for Civil Society and The London/Local Landmarks Challenge team. There will be endorsements from a stream of sports stars and celebrities. 

For more information about The 2.6 Challenge, visit the official website. Whatever you choose to do – we very much welcome your support! #TheTwoPointSixChallenge

Visit the ME Association JustGiving page and Get Involved with the 2.6 Challenge!
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