Unpleasant business – but make money for the MEA out of your old banger

January 27, 2011

It's an brutal, unpleasant business carried out in squalid junk yards. As your car ends up as a little cube of tangled metal, sentimental attachments can go with it. But somebody's got to do it – and 24-year-old Tom Chance has entered the supply chain of the car-crushing business to create a money-making opportunity for UK charities.

Tom, who used to work in the City of London, recently started ‘Give a Car', a social enterprise company which donates 75% of its income to charity. The ME Association joined earlier this year after receiving a Give a Car cheque completely out of the blue for over £70 – our share from the disposal of just one motor, a Fiat which had seen much better days.

This Reuters news agency video shows the kind of place where the old banger will end up, gives Tom the chance to set out his stall and shows how one charity – The Children's Trust at Tadworth in Surrey – has already benefited to the tune of £9,000. It's just two and a half minutes long.

And please… think of the ME Association if you're stuck with an old motor. It's an end-of-life situation which you can turn to our advantage.

View the video here (it might take a few seconds to buffer up so be patient, and it will be preceded by an advert).

If you want to pledge your car to us, please visit our GiveaCar page

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