Yoga project for people with ME/CFS receives Lottery grant | Sheffield Star | 25 February 2015

February 26, 2015

From the Sheffield Star, 25 February 2015

A project supporting people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), ME and post-viral fatigue syndrome in Yorkshire and the Humber is amongst 108 schemes across the region to receive a share of £979,729 from the Big Lottery Fund.

Sheffield Yoga for ME/CFS has received £10,000 to continue to deliver therapeutic yoga sessions for people suffering from these conditions in a bid to improve their health and wellbeing and to reduce social isolation.

Trustee Carol said: “The continuation of this project is really important to our beneficiaries as the yoga therapies help them to manage their disabling condition better in their daily lives.

“Feedback from the participants shows that they have seen improvements in their symptoms since attending classes. Some sufferers may also find that they are isolated because of their condition and we hope by continuing free regular newsletters and twice weekly classes and by gaining more volunteers we will reach more people in need.”

1 thought on “Yoga project for people with ME/CFS receives Lottery grant | Sheffield Star | 25 February 2015”

  1. I had to give up my yoga when I got sick. Far too much exertion and crash-inducing arm raising stuff.
    I can still do the “Corpse” pose, that’s about it.
    The money would be better spent on proper research. This is basically GET, under another name.

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