NICE Guideline > Physical functioning and mobility

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Physical functioning and mobility

1.12.5 Include strategies to maintain and prevent deterioration of physical functioning and mobility in the care and support plans of people with ME/CFS. These strategies may need to be carried out in small amounts and spread out throughout the day. Think about including the following:

  • joint mobility
  • muscle flexibility
  • balance
  • postural and positional support
  • muscle function
  • bone health
  • cardiovascular health.

1.12.6 Assess at every contact people with severe or very severe ME/CFS or those with prolonged periods of immobility for:

1.12.7 Give people with ME/CFS and their family or carers (as appropriate) information, advice and support on how to recognise and prevent possible complications of long-term immobility.

1.12.8 Give families and carers information, advice and support on how to help people with ME/CFS follow their care and support plan in relation to physical functioning and mobility. This may include:

  • bed mobility
  • moving from lying to sitting to standing
  • transferring from bed to chair
  • using mobility aids
  • walking
  • joint mobility
  • muscle stretching
  • muscle strength
  • balance
  • going up and down stairs.

    For training to provide care and support, see NICE's guideline on supporting adult carers.
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