NICE Guideline > Communication

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1.6.1 Ensure information is provided to people with ME/CFS and their family or carers (as appropriate):

  • in a variety of formats, such as written materials, electronic and audio, and suitable for their needs (for example, in their preferred language or an accessible version).
  • both in person in clinical settings and for them to use at home.

Follow the principles on communication, information giving and shared decision making in the NICE guidelines on patient experience in adult NHS services , people's experience in adult social care services and shared decision making.

1.6.2 When providing information for children and young people with ME/CFS, take into account their age and level of understanding, symptoms and any disabilities or communication needs. Use interactive formats such as:

  • one-to-one or group discussion
  • written materials and pictures
  • play, art and music activities
  • digital media, for example video or interactive apps.
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