Cornwall and Isles of Scilly CFS/ME Service

Address & Contact
Royal Cornwall Hospital
01872 252935

Children and adults
Moderate to severe
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (patients with a GP here)
Specialty Lead/Service Manager (OT), Clinical Lead Psychologist, 3 B6 AHPs, 1 B7 OT
Referrals through Referral Management System, primarily GPs for adults from aged 17, and from Paediatricians for children up to the age of 16.
Medic/Specialty Lead provide assessment and diagnosis.
Psychological one to one interventions, primarily virtual (video/phone) bur face to face available dependent on clinical needs.
Occupational therapy one to one and group interventions, primarily virtual (Video/phone) though some home visits as indicated by clinical need.

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