Sue Luscombe

  • Sue is a Registered Dietitian, who has a wealth of experience improving people’s health and treating illness through diet changes. Her NHS career has spanned over 44 years.
  • She has been especially interested in ME/CFS after her daughter, Becki, was diagnosed in 2002, at the age of 12. For many years, the family lived with the debilitating fatigue and practical consequences of ME/CFS.
  • She has been in demand as a speaker, and workshop leader, including conferences for NHS Medical and Health Professionals at Birmingham NEC (2014) and CFS Research conference (CMRC), Bristol 2018.
  • For many years, she was the Dietetic representative on the executive council for the British Association of CFS/ME (BACME). She is the ME Association’s Honorary Dietetic Advisor and regarded as a leading authority on diet and ME/CFS, and Long Covid.
  • Sue works with those recovering from Long Covid and has written the British Dietetic Association’s ‘Food facts: Diet and Long Covid’, in addition to contributing to ‘Food facts: Diet and ME/CFS’.
  • Sue’s daughter, Becki, died in 2014, following severe mental health issues, and she dedicates her work to Becki’s legacy.
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