Russell Fleming

  • Russell had spent a very enjoyable 14-year career in investment and high finance. He worked for Lloyds Private Banking, as an investment manager, and was transferred to Jersey in the Channel Islands. In 1999 he took a holiday abroad and contracted a nasty and prolonged viral infection that led to ME/CFS.
  • He joined the charity 9 years ago, first as a volunteer, working on several niche projects, before accepting a part-time position as the Website and Social Media Manager in 2017.
  • As his illness stabilised and his functional abilities improved, Russell took a full-time position as Communications Manager in 2020 continuing to work from home.
  • In 2022 he was charged with more responsibility and now oversees all activities relating to; fundraising, public relations, the 2 magazines, the website and website shop, literature, research reporting, benefits reporting, public information and support requests, and social media. He is responsible for related income and expenditure budgets and contributes to campaign planning and implementation.
  • Russell now lives in North Cornwall and is fortunate to have good support in place. He lives with Buster, a 3 year-old Labrador, and is enjoying greater freedoms now he is able to drive.
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