Dr Katrina Pears

  • Katrina has had ME/CFS in her life since 2009, when her younger brother was stricken by the illness. At the time she knew very little about it, until in 2013 she was hit by a nasty bout of Flu from which she never fully recovered.
  • She lived a very active physical lifestyle pre-ME/CFS, with daily activities of cycling, gym workouts or climbing, which have all had to take a back seat.
  • When her ME/CFS began, Katrina was 6 months into a PhD in Organic Geochemistry at the University of Bristol. It took a lot of family teamwork, perseverance and stubbornness to finally complete her studies 6 years later.
  • She lives with her husband, and they had their first child in 2021, which has brought another huge change in lifestyle and joy (and continuously sleepless nights).
  • With ME/CFS her interests changed, and she has thrown herself into charitable work with organisations like Barnardo’s, Action for M.E., and most recently, the ME Association, where she aims to explain important but often complex science to the patient community.
  • Katrina became the charity’s Research Correspondent in 2021 and produces the weekly research update, research reviews, conference reports, and other related content.
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