Blue Badge Scheme refusals: help wanted

February 14, 2012

We have been receiving a number of requests for help via ME Connect over the past few weeks from people with ME/CFS who are having difficulty in obtaining a Blue Badge, or renewing a Blue Badge, because they have been told that people with ME/CFS do not qualify for a Blue Badge.

This appears to be part of the ‘tightening up' procedures that came into force at the start of the year – see item in the January issue (page 7) of ME Essential magazine.

Whilst people with ME/CFS do not automatically qualify for a Blue Badge, they should be able to do so if their level of disability in relation to mobility is sufficiently severe.

We are not aware of any new government guidance on Blue Badge eligibility that is specifically in relation to ME/CFS and do not have any local authority correspondence confirming the position as described above.

So before taking this further at a parliamentary level, it would be very helpful if anyone with ME/CFs who has been refused a Blue Badge could supply a copy of correspondence relating to this type of Blue Badge refusal, or the name of the person at a local authority who has stated that people with ME/CFS do not qualify for a Blue Badge. Please email your information to

The MEA has an information leaflet that covers all aspects of the Blue Badge Scheme as it applies to people with ME/CFS.

MEA literature can be obtained using the pdf order form immediately to the right of this news item.

Thank you

Dr Charles Shepherd

1 thought on “Blue Badge Scheme refusals: help wanted”

  1. More discrimination against ME sufferers. This is a recognised condition, why are we being singled out??? I have been fortunate enough to have been granted a blue badge a couple of months ago, on the strength of evidence of my disability from my GP, but this issue needs to be SERIOUSLY addressed. Thank you for raising this.

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