Latest from the London Landmarks Half Marathon

The London Landmarks Half will take place next year on Sunday, 2nd April.

The ME Association have already bought 10 charity places in it but we're always delighted to hear when runners win places in the ballot and then select us as the charity they want to support. We will be allocating our own charity places later in the year.

Please share this news with anyone you think might be interested.

Ballot winners who choose the MEA as their charity should please make contact with me for details of our support package.

London Landmarks Half Marathon (LLHM) 2023 ballot will open next Thursday 7th July and closes on Thursday 14 July 2022

Main and Second Chance Ballot will be drawn and announced by end of July

What's new for LLHM?

LLHM are always striving to make the event bigger and better. For 2023, there is a new route taking in the iconic Westminster Bridge and Charing Cross Road, so even more landmarks for runners to experience! LLHM will be officially welcoming wheelchair entrants to LLHM 2023 which is a real milestone for them and part of their commitment to be as inclusive as possible.

Tony Britton
Senior Fundraising Consultant, The ME Association Mob: 07393 805566

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