IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image of candles and roses. Title: Maeve Boothby-O’Neill Inquest: Letters and statements. The ME Association Logo (bottom right).

Maeve Boothby-O’Neill Inquest: Letters and statements

**Trigger Warning: Very Upsetting Content**

David Tuller shares letters and statements that have been added to the public record during the two week inquest into the death of Maeve Boothby O'Neill, who passed away in October 2021.

Dr William Weir

“William Weir is an infectious disease physician in London who has treated many ME/CFS patients. He has been involved in some of the ongoing cases in which severely ill teenage girls and young women, and their families, have been in conflict with their local hospitals about the best approach to treatment.

Dr Weir testified last week at the ongoing inquest into the death of Maeve Boothby O’Neill, being held in Exeter. He read into evidence two letters that he wrote to express his concerns about the case.”

Sarah Boothby Statement

“The two weeks of public hearings in the inquest into the death of Maeve Boothby O’Neill ended on Friday. Last Thursday, both of Maeve’s parents testified. Her mother, Sarah Boothby, took the stand first. She read most of the statement into the public record, omitting only the brief section that Archer (coroner) had herself read out at the start of the inquest.”

Sean O'Neill statement

“Sean O’Neill began reading his prepared statement into evidence, he paused. Archer (coroner) immediately offered to read the statement herself–an offer he accepted quietly and, it seemed, gratefully.

The ME Association is of the understanding that the coroner will deliver her conclusions on August 9th and there will be a further hearing to consider a possible Prevention of Future Deaths report on September 27.

Please see a screenshot of a recent X (formerly Twitter) post from Sean O'Neill

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