East Sussex mum pedals up a cycling storm at her gym

A mother will pedal up a cycling storm for the ME Association on Saturday (20th April) because her eldest son has had his life’s chances cruelly blighted by ME/CFS.

Lewes-based Kal Komboh will attempt to a static spin-cycle of 100 miles at her gym as part of a 1,000-mile challenge with other members championing different causes. Meanwhile, her 24-year-old son Arun – who had been looking forward to a bright, fast-moving future after gaining his physics degree in 2021 – is slowly recovering his health at home.

Kal, who will be taking on the challenge at the Body Happy Gym in Friars Walk, said:

“Initially, Arun needed to self-medicate to try and find the drugs that might help him because, basically, the NHS can’t, or won’t, help him. He had to go to a private consultant, Dr Claire Taylor, who has become known as an expert in Long Covid, before he was able to obtain any helpful advice and medication. He’s only been able to see any progress since then.”

Kal, a transport planner for East Sussex County Council, said Arun had to give up his beloved motor cycle when he lost the strength to ride it after becoming ill ill. But he’s now got a car, a Blue Badge to help with the parking, and is slowly getting back to the life he used to enjoy.

She said Arun became ill after his second covid vaccination but he could not categorically pinpoint this as the trigger for his illness as he now remembers that he had almost certainly had symptoms of a virus infection at the same time.

On her fundraising page, Kal wrote:

“Arun decided to move back home from London when, after six months, he knew his health was not improving. Since 2022, he has lived with me so that I can care for him and ensure he has the best environment to help stabilise and manage his symptoms. 

“Many people like Arun have had their wings clipped by this debilitating disease whose symptoms can vary day to day. Some days are bed bound, others are limited to 1000 steps, small exertions can lead to phenomenal energy crashes and serious pain.”

“This is a life with limited freedom of choice,” she added, with typical British understatement.

ME Association fundraiser Tony Britton commented: “ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) – also known as chronic fatigue syndrome – affects an estimated 265,000 people in the UK and causes a range of symptoms including fatigue, reduced exercise tolerance, brain fog and sleep disturbance. We fund high-quality research to develop safe and effective treatments, and ultimately to discover a cure.”

If you would like to show your appreciation of what Kal will be doing on Saturday, please visit her fundraising page at


Thank you very much.

Arun pictured with his very proud mother, Kal Komboh, on their fundraising page.

Tony Britton
Senior Fundraising Consultant, The ME Association
tony.britton@meassociation.org.uk Mob: 07393 805566

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