Scottish Government: Seeking your views on implementing the new NICE Guideline

February 28, 2022


In October 2021, NICE produced new guidelines about diagnosing and managing ME/CFS in children, young people and adults. It includes recommendations on diagnosis, assessment and care planning, safeguarding, access to care and managing ME/CFS and its symptoms.

About this research

The Scottish Government have asked Blake Stevenson Ltd, an independent social research company, to gather the views of stakeholders about the new ME/CFS NICE guidelines in order to understand which short-term priorities should be explored and the actions needed to be taken to implement these guidelines in Scotland.

How we will use the data you provide

The information gathered through this survey will be analysed alongside the information provided by other respondents. In our report we will reflect key messages from all responses and we will not attribute any of the information or comments that you provide directly to you. In other words, your comments will be anonymous.
Blake Stevenson is compliant with the Data Protection Act 2018 and your responses will be returned directly to the Blake Stevenson research team. Taking part in this review is voluntary. For more information on your individual rights and how your data will be kept securely, please see our Privacy Statement.

Navigating the survey

There are just three questions in this survey. Please use the ‘next‘ and ‘back‘ buttons at the bottom of the screen to navigate through the survey. Please do not use your internet browser's ‘back' button as this will take you out of the survey. If you want to take a break from completing the survey, use the ‘save‘ button to keep everything you've written so far.

If you have any questions about the research, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Call: 0131 667 2919 or email (opens in new window)

This survey will be live until Friday 11th March 2022. Thank you very much for sharing your views.

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