The ME Association Champion Bloggers

May 24, 2021

The ME Association is incredibly lucky to have a wonderful group of people who write honest and emotive blogs about ME/CFS and we call them the ‘Champion Bloggers.’

They write in a personal capacity as well as writing about topics and events of particular interest to the ME Association.

All our bloggers are strong advocates for positive awareness and are an asset to the charity. Their beautifully written work resonates with a great many people in the ME/CFS community and beyond.

We value everyone who takes the time to write blogs about their own experiences and to address topics we may suggest. Thank you to everyone who helped launch this concept in 2020, as it was your support that got it up and running!

This amazing team produce quality content that we share on social media to our large following and publish in ME Essential magazine. This helps promote their work and increases readership and we are very happy to promote them in this reciprocal agreement.

We are pleased to announce that subject to a final approval, we can offer all MEA champion bloggers FREE membership for 12 months which includes quarterly editions of ME Essential magazine and within our welcome pack a free awareness Pin-badge and ME Alert Card. 

We are always looking for more bloggers to lend diversity and different perspectives. If you blog about ME/CFS we would really like you to join us, please contact for more information.

We look forward to welcoming you!

All our Champion Bloggers can be seen from the link below

Champion Bloggers

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