BBC Spotlight: Covid-19 and Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome with Dr Charles Shepherd

July 2, 2020

BBC Spotlight (South-West) featured a report last week that talked about people who had contracted Covid-19, survived the infection but had failed to fully recover their previous level of health.

Jenny Walrond, BBC Health and Science Correspondent, speaks with one woman whose functional improvement hasn't materialised and says that thousands have joined social media sites to report a similar failure to recover.

BBC Spotlight Report on the Long-Term Effects of Covid-19 Infection (25 June 2020)

The ME Association is also hearing increasing reports about this ‘post-viral fatigue syndrome' that also can include some of the symptoms believed to be unique to Covid-19 survivors such as continued breathing difficulties.

The uncertainty surrounding recovery from this infection is something that we hope is being discussed within the NHS and Government, but pacing and self-management remain the only options for many people.

Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser, for the ME Association was interviewed for this broadcast and discusses the situation including whether there is a need for a ‘post-covid-fatigue-syndrome'.

He has been raising and discussing these real concerns with NICE, the Government and other medical professionals and considering what it might mean for the increasing prevalence of ME/CFS and the effect on health service provision.

The ME Association Covid-19 and ME/CFS Leaflets

The ME Association has published a range of FREE leaflets about Covid-19, including one that talks specifically about post-viral-fatigue syndrome and how this could lead to a marked increase in the diagnosis of ME/CFS.

You can download each one (or all of them) by clicking the images below, or you will find them in the ME Association Website Shop.

The General LeafletVulnerable Status LetterCovid-19 and PVFS
Reducing Risk InfectionChanges to BenefitsEmployment

The ME Association

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