Helen Hyland, Fundraising Manager, ME Association.
A little later than planned, early yesterday afternoon, Baz Hornsby finally arrived at Number 10 Downing Street, to hand over a letter addressed to the Prime Minister.

He had travelled from his home town of Colchester, not on foot, but by mobility scooter following the Sustrans National Cycle Network. A distance, we think of around 100 miles.
As is often the case on his adventures, he was accompanied every step of the way by his partner Roni and his two faithful canine friends Remus and Suzie.
The letter he handed over is only the second letter he has ever written in his life – the first one was just a few weeks ago, when he first wrote to Downing Street asking for permission to meet Theresa May.
Sadly, her duties took her away from home today, so he was unable to meet her in person, but we are promised that the letter will be passed to her.
Baz is on a crusade for M.E. His precious letter explains how he thinks he has probably had the illness for over 50 years. He remembers struggling to concentrate in lessons at school because of brain fog.
He says he has spent over 50 years putting on an act while waiting for his life to begin! Baz managed to hold down work but found the lack of routine of family life and being married with two girls really, really hard.

He says that both his ex-wife and Roni have had to put up with him being “irritable, unreasonable, unhelpful, and unpleasant” – effectively the person he desperately didn’t want to be.
He adores his grandchildren but finds it heart-breaking that he struggles to be with them especially at Christmas time and holidays, because of his illness.
Like too many people with M.E., he’s had some very dark days, but he reasons that there must be a good reason why he is still here.
Hence his determination to ask Theresa May to do all she can to persuade her government to urgently devote funds to research. Not just for him, but for the thousands of others suffering.
Baz has asked the Prime Minister to support his fundraising campaign. If you would like to support it too, please visit his JustGiving page.
“Research is the only way to get sufferers back on track and have the life they deserve.” Baz Hornsby |
The ME Association
Real People. Real Disease. Real M.E.
We are a national charity working hard to make the UK a better place for people whose lives have been devastated by an often-misunderstood neurological disease.
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