Cancellation of our Question Time in Durham later this year | 27 June 2016

June 27, 2016

Following discussion with ME North East, who were going to host this year's MEA Question TIme meeting in Durham on Saturday September 17, we have reluctantly decided to cancel the meeting this year.

The main reason for doing so is the decision by the General Medical Council (GMC) to suspend Dr Nigel Speight from taking part in clinical or any other medical activities involving ME/CFS.

In addition, we have been unable to find a local paediatrician with the necessary knowledge and experience of ME/CFS who could take Nigel's place.

Jane Colby, from The Tymes Trust, is also unable to get to Durham this year.

The ME Association regards input and information on children and adolescents with ME/CFS to be a vital component of these meetings. Consequently, we felt we had no option but to cancel the meeting on this occasion. We are sorry for any disappointment that this will cause.

We intend to resume normal MEA Question Time service in 2017 – when we hope that Dr Nigel Speight will be able to return to his role as paediatric adviser to the MEA as well as being able to resume helping children and adolescents with ME/CFS.

We are currently discussing the possibility of holding the 2017 meeting in Yorkshire.

Dr Charles Shepherd
Hon Medical Adviser, ME Associatio

1 thought on “Cancellation of our Question Time in Durham later this year | 27 June 2016”

  1. The GMC should be ashamed of themselves, as should whichever blinkered and reactionary forces brought about the ridiculous complaint against him in the first place. They have now succeeded in depriving gravely ill children with ME of the expertise of probably the only paediatrician in the country with the experience and deep knowledge of the illness.
    It seems that both the complainant and the GMC have “forgotten” their Hypocratic oath- “First do no harm”.

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