The day The Queen remembered a very active ME/CFS group in West Sussex | 18 December 2015

December 18, 2015

Janice + BIll, Queens Award

Many congratulations to reMEmber, the West Sussex-based group, who have been awarded The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service.

Their director, Janice Kent, and her husband, Bill, who is group's secretary, are pictured (left) being presented with the crystal trophy by Susan Pyper, the county's Lord Lieutenant, at Danny House, Hurstpierpoint, last month.

The award was created during the year of The Queen's Golden Jubilee in 2002. It is bestowed annually for the quality of service given by voluntary groups and reMEmber is only the second ME/CFS group to have received it. It was also awarded to The Young ME Sufferers Trust (Tymes Trust) in 2010.

At the Danny House ceremony, the Lord Lieutenant said that Janice Kent had started the charity in 1999 because at that time there were very few health care services for M.E. sufferers and certainly none in Sussex. Janice said the award recognised the work done by all reMEmber's volunteers, nearly all of whom has M.E, themselves or were carers.

In a personal letter to Janice, the chairman of West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board wrote: “I was delighted to learn of reMEmber receiving the Queen’s Award for Volunteering in recognition of the help your organisation gives to those suffering from ME. I am acutely aware of the scale of commitment you have made, from the early days at Princess Royal Hospital, battling for recognition of ME as a medical condition to today’s national recognition. Your contribution to the wellbeing of the people of West Sussex is greatly appreciated – thank you”.

The picture below shows, left to right, the local dignitaries who attended the ceremony – Deputy Lieutenants Carole Hayward and Daphne Anthony, Chairman of West Sussex County Council Pat Arculus, Bill, Janice, Lord Lieutenant Susan Pyper, High Sherriff of West Sussex Denise Patterson and Cllr Peter Reed, Chairman of Mid Sussex District Council.



For more information about reMEmber, please email

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