Our Christmas Appeal reopens today for its second day at 10am
We’ll be using the proceeds to buy thousands of copies of the MEA Purple Booklet – ‘ME/CFS/PVFS: an Exploration of the Key Clinical Issues’ – which will then be posted out to GP surgeries round the UK.
And if you get online as close as possible to 10am tomorrow or on the 8th, your donation stands a good chance of being doubled in value.
But don’t worry if you can’t – donations will be accepted right up to 5pm on Wednesday, 19th December.
Whatever you do, if you are a UK taxpayer please tick the box so that we can claim Gift Aid on your donation.
The appeal is called ‘Telling GPs the Truth about M.E.” We’ll use the booklet and a covering letter from our medical adviser, Dr Charles Shepherd, to explain why so many people are ill and for so long and what doctors can do to help sufferers now.
When we post out the booklets during ME Awareness Month next May, the appeal will be backed up by a press campaign.
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far. On the first day, we received £625 in online donations. When matched funding was added from our pledgers and our charity champion, ‘Candis' magazine, we finished the day on £1,250 – which is 15% of our target.
Please donate online via this link: http://new.thebiggive.org.uk/project/17686
Please let us know if you would like your doctor to receive the booklet when we do the big mail out next May. Send your surgery name and address to our Publicity Manager, email: tony@meassociation.org.uk